The Astroflower Collection ...

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The Astroflower Channel

Welcome to The Astroflower Channel. In Part 1 of this introduction we will explain briefly how the Astroflower concept has been constructed. This new construct using traditional astrological elements and qualities and sign identities is ground breaking, in that it provides a simple and quite logical way of understanding what makes us tick. It shows us our strengths as well as our weaknesses and allows us to explore our interactions with the Energies of the Universe. It reveals information coming in from both the spiritual and physical worlds and interprets our interactions with them in a simple way, demonstrating a highly effective system.

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To be able to interpret other humans with such accuracy that everyday life become less complicated and relationships at home or at work can thrive. Surely this would be more than ‘a nice to have’ ?
Tom Lawless
Creator of Astroflower Concept